The Town Administrator (“TA”), appointed by the Selectboard, serves as the chief administrative officer of the town, overseeing all employees. The Administrator prepares and monitors the annual budget and Capital Plan for the Selectboard; provides grant and loan administration; prepares Articles of Warning, town policies, and ordinances; and handles road issues, risk management, procurement, personnel matters, and system administration. The TA also serves as the Road Commissioner.

Town Administrator
(802) 223-3313 x 204
Hours: M – Th 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; F 9 a.m. – Noon


The Zoning Administrator (“ZA”), recommended by the Planning Commission and appointed by the Selectboard, issues zoning permits, provides support for the Planning Commission & Development Review Board, and enforces the zoning bylaws. The ZA also acts as a liaison with the State Wastewater Systems and Potable Water Supplies program that issues permits for wells and onsite wastewater treatment. The ZA position is a part-time position with limited office hours and off-site work. The Zoning Administrator also serves as the E911 Coordinator.

The Zoning Administrator’s Posted Office Hours are: Tues from 2:00pm-5:00pm and Wed from 9:00am-12:00pm.

Zoning Administrator
Office Phone: (802) 223-3313 x 205
Available via email, phone or appointment only.


The Municipal Coordinator serves as the assistant to the Town Administrator and provides support to Selectboard, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, and Listers with the daily operations of the town. The Municipal Coordinator is appointed by the Selectboard as the town’s assistant town clerk and assistant town treasurer.

Municipal Coordinator
(802) 223-3313 x 202
Hours: M – Th 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; F 9 a.m. – Noon