RFP Process:
Request for Bids will be posted here. Any addendums will be posted on this webpage and it is the responsibility of bidders to obtain any addenda here. Please complete/provide a Bid Sheet if available. The Selectboard will select the vendor at a Selectboard Meeting. The Selectboard usually meets on the first and third Monday of every month with few exceptions due to summer and holidays. In addition to normal postings and paper, bids are also located here: https://www.vermontbusinessregistry.com

EM Purchasing Policy-“Any bids received after the time and date specified shall not be considered and shall be returned to the bidder unopened.”
2024-East Montpelier Purchasing Policy

Service Contract Agreement Example:
East Montpelier Contract for Services Form 2024

Current RFPs:
PUBLIC NOTICE: Sanders Circle Culvert Replacement Bids are Due by Sept 3, 2024 by 10:00AM – Fema Project
The Town of East Montpelier is seeking the services of a qualified contractor to replace the Sanders Circle Culvert this Summer 2024 ASAP.
The East Montpelier Selectboard will consider all bids please submit by Sept 3, 2024, 10:00AM to the town office building. If you have any questions, please contact Town Administrator (manager@eastmontpeliervt.org; 802-223-3313 x 204).
Please see the full Sanders Circle RFP with signed addendum (did not post signatures) and attachments:
RFP Sanders Circle Culvert Replacement
Addendum #1 8.27.2024
Sanders Circle Addendum 1 Attachments
Addendum #2 08.30.2024

Upcoming RFPs:
1. Sodom Pond Culvert Replacement- Fema Project (ASAP or Spring 2025)
2. Horn of the Moon culvert that is currently half washed out permanent fix- This is a FEMA DR-4810 project. (Need Engineering RFP ASAP)
3. Demolition of House and Barn with Asbestos Removal located on town property at 2812 US Route 2, East Montpelier, VT 05651 (still Pending Selectboard Decision but need Quotes ASAP)posted on www.vermontbusinessregistry.com
4. Asbestos Abatement for the House and Barn located on town property at 2812 US Route 2, East Montpelier, VT 05651 (still Pending Selectboard Decision but need Quotes ASAP) posted on www.vermontbusinessregistry.com

2812 Route 2 Asbestos Testing Documents:
EMSL data
7.10.2024 Asbestos Testing Summary
Maps 2812 Route 2 #49 is house and barn and #53 is the property behind (old cemetery) that needs lawn work

5. Lawn Clean up of of house and barn located on town property at 2812 US Route 2, East Montpelier, VT 05651 (still Pending Selectboard Decision but need Quotes ASAP) posted on www.vermontbusinessregistry.com
6. 6 Bay Town Garage Construction (Pending town vote Nov 5, 2024 and construction Spring 2025)
7. Town Wide Re-Appraisal (last town wide appraisal was 2009, new appraisal required and timing tbd)

Completed/ In Process Projects:
1. Ash Tree Removal- Completed July
2. Coburn Bridge Debris Clean up- Completed  VTrans had AOT picked up the debris August 2024 (State MOU in process)
3. Towne Hill Paving- (Pike estimated September end- early October)
4. Electric Vehicle Charging Station at the Town Park & Ride- Requirements: 2 ports if possible, to charge 2 cars at the same time (however per WEC traffic does not justify the doubling of ports at this time & two 11 kw EVSE were operated simultaneously, and that combined load would exceed the existing 10 kva transformer rating) , No network required because we do not want to charge users, and extremely reliable, sturdy and weather proof, so we don’t have to call support numbers all of the time. Here are the options:

WEC offer Emporia EVSE–  Level 2 charger- $0, the Powershift Program would give Emporia to the town under the Powershift Program at no charge and then the town is charged by an electrician to remove old unit and replace with WEC single port, and no ongoing cost except electric bill. There is no 2 port option from Emporia; their product area is residential.
Grizzl-E Charger on Amazon– Level 2, 1 Plug charger – $350 cost of product plus cost of local electrician to removal/installation and no ongoing cost except electric bill. The Grizzl-e is one port/residential.
Grizzl-E Charger on Amazon– Level 2, 2 Plug in EV  $799- up to 40 Amp, Two 24 feet Premium Cables (14-50 Plug) It is the least expensive if SB wants 2 ports.
ChargePoint– Level 2 charger – $5700 w/ no network one time cost only and no ongoing cost except electric bill, and with network $0 cost to fix and it would cost $2930 annually. The Charge Point existing station is considered commercial. (CT-4000). dual port and considered commercial.
Norwich Solar (BTC)- Level 2 charger – $10k to install, plus $500 annual software cost plus electric bill. dual port and considered commercial.

July 2024 Storm new damages gathered:
1. 2024 FEMA Project- Coburn Rd. -This road was closed. It was under water. There was debris collecting in the water at the covered bridge and the debris we hired contractor to clear it and it is picked up.
2. 2024 FEMA Project-Horn of the Moon Rd. – needs a emergency temp fix and engineering RFP for the perm fix. The VT agency of Transportation was getting a temporary bridge for Horn of the Moon Road but then because of 2024 storm they ran out of temporary bridges.
3. Road Crew – Fitch Rd. (dead end road)- This is now only one lane.
4. Road Crew -Sodom Pond Bridge- Down to one lane, erosion on both sides.
5. Road Crew -Jacobs Rd.-2 holes in road reported.
6. Road Crew -North St.- Significant erosion on lower north street near 1465 north street

Road Repair Requests to Main Office Queue handled case by case (list not including repair request calls direct to Town Garage):
1. Horn of the Moon culvert that is currently half washed out temporary fix- This is a FEMA DR-4810 project. Fall 2024 Completion. (Emergency Contractor/ estimates 9/9/24 SB Meeting/ Local Contractor & Managed by Road Crew)
2. Brazier Road (2 weeks in July) & Horn of the Moon (Sept) – Grants In Aide Project (Road Crew)
GIA Preconstruction Brazier Rd. Site Summary
GIA Preconstruction Horn of the Moon Rd. Site Summary
3. Dodge Road Culverts- Being addressed in October after Completion of the 2 Grants In Aide Project (Road Crew)
4. Lower North Street Culverts – (Road Crew)
5. Doner Rd. Culvert- Hole in road, near intersection of Fitch (Road Crew)
6. 1950 Center Rd. clogged culvert, hole in culvert, culvert too high may need to be lowered. (8/29/24 Road Crew)
7. Jacobs Rd. – hole towards the intersection with Horn of the Moon and a major hole above(tbd)
8. Potential Project for replacing Road Signs: Fitch, Wheeler, Horn of the Moon Road (at Rt 12 missing and keeps getting taken, and other side missing) , Captain Kid Road (tbd)
9. Debris in Horn of the Moon Culverts- needs to be cleared out
10. Detour sign at Horn of the Moon destroyed culvert diverting traffic
11. weight limit signs needed in mud season
12. 605 and 625 Cherry Tree Hill-water movement and culvert on their properties/ culvert questions