December 16, 2019 Selectboard Forum & Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting with a number of special features on Monday, December 16, 2019, 5:00 p.m. at the town office building. The meeting starts at 5:00 p.m. with a series of budget discussions with social organizations and town committees. At 7:00 p.m. there will be a shift to a joint meeting with the Town of Calais Selectboard for a discussion on the East Montpelier Fire Department FY2021 budget requests. This joint session will likely conclude between 8:00 and 8:30 p.m., with the EM Selectboard resuming its regular meeting.

December 16, 2019 SB Agenda
December 16, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

FY2021 GMT US 2 Commuter Report
FY2021 CVHHH Report
2020 Kellogg-Hubbard Library Report
FY2021 Twin Valley Seniors Report
FY2021 Funding Request Worksheet Final
Draft FY2021 Capital Plan
FY2019 EM External Audit
FY2019 EM External Audit Management Letter
Revised December Draft 2020 Town Meeting Warning
Map of Old LaPerle Farm Parcel
Notice to Convey LaPerle Property
EM Mallory Brook Culvert Engineering Study Grant Amendment
WEC Documents for Recreation Field Electric Service
2019 WEC Assessment Change Documentation

Documents for the Joint Meeting on the EMFD Budget Requests:

Proposed FY2021 EMFD Ambulance Service Budget
Proposed FY2021 EMFD Fire Service Budget
EMFD Budget Line Explanations
Current EMFD Capital Plan
FY2019 EMFD External Audit
FY2019 EMFD External Audit Management Communication Letter
FY2019 EMFD External Audit Communication on Internal Control

Documents on the Conservation Commission Concept that will be an Ongoing Discussion Element for 2020 Town Meeting:

EM Conservation Commission Proposal
VSA Title 24 Chapter 118 Conservation Commissions
Miller Feedback on Proposed EM Conservation Commission

Documents for the January 6, 2020 Discussion on the Proposed Purchase of a Grader:

2019 John Deere Grader Quote
2019 John Deere Grader Photo
2019 John Deere Grader Walk ‘n’ Roll Photos
YouTube Video of the Grader Walk ‘n’ Roll Attachment


December 5, 2019 Selectboard Forum & Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard, along with the Calais Selectboard, will participate in the annual East Montpelier Fire Department operating budget presentation on Thursday, December 5, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the Emergency Services Facility (the new fire station; 54 Village Acres).

December 5, 2019 SB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

Proposed FY2021 EMFD Ambulance Service Budget
Proposed FY2021 EMFD Fire Service Budget
EMFD Budget Line Explanations
Current EMFD Capital Plan
FY2019 EMFD External Audit
FY2019 EMFD External Audit Management Communication Letter
FY2019 EMFD External Audit Communication on Internal Control


December 2, 2019 Selectboard Forum & Meeting

On December 2, 2019, 6:00 p.m. in the public room at the Emergency Services Facility (the new fire station; 54 Village Acres) the East Montpelier Selectboard will be hosting a town forum on the concept of creating an East Montpelier Conservation Commission as authorized under Vermont statutes. The idea is to provide a centralized focus for the various town conservation/environmental/natural resources-related endeavors. To this point the Selectboard has reviewed three progressively more refined versions of a blueprint for such a commission, all developed by Charles Johnson and Bruce Howlett of the Conservation Fund Advisory Committee with the help of significant feedback from a number of sources. The Selectboard, which has not yet taken a stance on the proposal, intends to use the information derived from this forum to either push the conservation commission proposal forward to a town vote at 2020 Town Meeting or put the concept aside for the time being.

Documents on the Conservation Commission Concept:

EM Conservation Commission Proposal
VSA Title 24 Chapter 118 Conservation Commissions
Miller Feedback on Proposed EM Conservation Commission

Also on December 2, 2019, the Selectboard will hold a regular meeting at the ESF, starting at 7:00 p.m. or immediately after the conclusion of the town forum, whichever comes later. Among other topics, the board will be considering adoption of the town’s hazard mitigation plan and discussing the Vermont League of Cities & Towns’ proposed resolution regarding the role of municipalities in any legislatively devised regulatory/taxing structure to establish a commercial cannabis marketplace in Vermont.

December 2, 2019 SB Agenda
December 2, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

VLCT Resolution on Cannabis Marketplace Regulation
EM Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption Resolution
EM Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan
EM Hazard Mitigation Plan VEM Plan Review Tool
FY2021 Preliminary EM Selectboard Budget
Draft 2020 EM Town Meeting Warning


November 18, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

This meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building due to the threat of inclement weather.

November 19, 2019 SB Agenda
November 19, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda


Original Post

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, November 18, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

November 18, 2019 SB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

2019 EM SB Letter of Support for WRNCD Funding Proposal
Proposed Morse Farm Stormwater Project
2019 EM SB Letter of Support for Cross VT Trail FY2020 VT TAP Application
Cross Vermont Trail Information
EM BC1853 Grant Amendment Request
Revised Notice of December 5, 2019 Tax Sale
2019-20 NEMRC Support Agreement
Cacicio EM Town Office Heat Pump Quote

Documents on Conservation Commission Concept, which will be the subject of a town forum on December 2, 2019, 6:00 p.m. at the Emergency Services Facility (the new fire station; 54 Village Acres):

EM Conservation Commission Proposal
VSA Title 24 Chapter 118 Conservation Commissions
Miller Feedback on Proposed EM Conservation Commission

See Zoning Update Project for information regarding the Planning Commission’s zoning regulations update effort.


December 3, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

December 3, 2019 DRB Warning
December 3, 2019 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

19-064 Coburn Subdivision Application
19-064 Coburn Subdivision Plat
19-065 Thornton Subdivision Application
19-065 Thornton Subdivision Plat
19-065 Thornton Subdivision Site Plan


Special School Meeting Election Results

Below are the results of the November 5, 2019 special school meeting vote.

November 5, 2019 WCUUSD Vote Results

Thank you to all who participated.


Notice of Intent to Convey Property

The East Montpelier Selectboard, with the concurrence of the East Montpelier Old LaPerle Farm Property Committee, has decided to pursue the sale of the bulk of the town-owned Old LaPerle Farm parcel after receiving an unsolicited offer to purchase the property.

Map of Old LaPerle Farm Parcel

This is an opportunity to get the property back on the tax rolls and, perhaps, bring some development to EM Village. The Selectboard has the authority to sell town property subject to the power of town residents to essentially veto the board’s decision. The board would also like to open up the opportunity to purchase the property to all comers. Below is the formal notice regarding the intent to convey the parcel coupled with an open call for competing offers to purchase.


In accordance with 24 V.S.A. §1061(a), notice is hereby given of the intent of the East Montpelier Selectboard to convey the following property owned by the town:

46+/- undeveloped acres bounded by Sodom Pond Brook and VT Rte. 14 N to the west; the land of Fontaine to the north; the land of Fairmont Farm to the east; and US Rte. 2 to the south. This is a portion of the land known as the Old LaPerle Farm Property purchased by the town at judicial auction in 2015. The 3+/- acre farmhouse parcel at the southwest end of the property west of Sodom Pond Brook is not included in this proposed conveyance.

Terms of the proposed sale are: $200,000 purchase price; $50,000 down; $150,000 town-financed at 4% interest payable in 4 equal payments due on June 1st of 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Town of East Montpelier citizens may petition for a town vote on the question of disapproving the proposed conveyance. The petition must be signed by not less than 5% of the qualified voters of the Town of East Montpelier and submitted to the Town Clerk at the East Montpelier Municipal Building, 40 Kelton Road, no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 9, 2019. Absent such a petition, the Selectboard may authorize the conveyance.

Further, the East Montpelier Selectboard is accepting alternative proposals for the purchase of this property. Proposals should be submitted to the town, via contact options listed below, no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 9, 2019.

Questions may be directed to Town Administrator Bruce Johnson, PO Box 157, East Montpelier, Vermont 05651, 223-3313×204 or


November 4, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, November 4, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

November 4, 2019 SB Agenda
November 4, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

FY2021 CVSWMD Budget Information Packet
2019-20 Winter Roads Policy
Gully Jumpers 2019-20 Winter Town Roads Use Request
Cross Vermont Trail Information
Revised EM Conservation Commission Proposal
Draft CVFiber 2019 Annual Report
Draft CVFiber 2020 Budget
Recreation Board Bank Account Paperwork


November 5, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

November 5, 2019 DRB Warning
November 5, 2019 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

19-057 Clemons Subdivision Application
19-057 Clemons Subdivision Plat
19-057 Clemons Site Plan
19-057 Clemons Natural Resources Map
19-057 Clemons Water/Wastewater Permit
Coburn Subdivision Conceptual Narrative
Coburn Subdivision Conceptual Plat


October 21, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, October 21, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

October 21, 2019 SB Agenda
October 21, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

2020 MVP Small Group Health Plans
2020 BCBS Small Group Health Plans
2020 BCBS BRS Health Plan Renewal Options
FY2020 Officer Stipends
EMFD ESF Bay Flooring Quote
EMFD ESF Bay Flooring Brochure
2019 rbTechnologies Network Backup Service Agreement
2019 Murray Hill Water System Source Protection Plan
FY2021 Draft Capital Budget Plan
2019 EM SB Ltr of Support for CVFiber
2019 EM SB Ltr of Support for CVSWMD

Documents of Interest for the Cross VT Trail Easement Request:

CFAC Recommendation of 2019 Cross VT Trail EM Conservation Fund Request
Cross VT Trail Application for EM Conservation Fund Use
Appraisal of Proposed Cross VT Trail Easement
EM Planning Commission Letter of Support
Draft Formal Trail Easement
Cross VT Trail Segment Link to Proposed Easement
VT Land Trust & Cross VT Trail Application to VT Housing & Conservation Board
VT Land Trust Letter to EM Selectboard on Fairmont Dairy Conservation Project
2019 EM Selectboard Letter of Support
EM Properties with Conserved Development Rights


December 5, 2019 Tax Sale

The Town of East Montpelier has scheduled a tax sale for 4 properties to be held on Thursday, December 5, 2019, 10:00 a.m. at the town office building.

Notice of December 5, 2019 Tax Sale

The tax sale includes the properties located at:

1528 County Road
1804 VT Rte. 14 S
1240 VT Rte. 14 S
161 Dodge Road

For more information, please contact East Montpelier Delinquent Tax Collector Bruce Johnson at or (802) 223-3313 x 204.


October 7, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

On October 7, 2019 the East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

October 7, 2019 SB Agenda
October 7, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

October Draft 2019 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
CVRPC Plan Edits In Light Of VEM Review Results
VT Emergency Management Review of Draft EM Plan
DEC Recommendations Regarding Flood Related Elements for EM Plan
July Draft 2019 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
Proposed EMFD Ambulance Purchase Quote
Proposed EMFD Ambulance Purchase Ad
Proposed EMFD Ambulance Purchase Photos
Revised Proposal for EM Conservation Commission
VSA Title 24 Chapter 118 Conservation Commissions
Miller Conservation Commission Feedback

The Conservation Fund Advisory Committee will also be meeting at the town office on Monday, October 7, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the Cross Vermont Trail Association’s request for $5,000 from the Conservation Fund for use in the purchase of a trails easement on the main former Lylehaven Farm parcel now owned by Fairmont Dairy. This easement purchase is a part of the overall Vermont Land Trust/Fairmont Dairy land conservation project encompassing the 196 acre property. Members of the Conservation Fund Advisory Committee may update the Selectboard on the easement request after the conservation commission discussion element of the Selectboard’s meeting.

Documents of Interest for the Cross VT Trail Easement Request:

Cross VT Trail Application for EM Conservation Fund Use
Appraisal of Proposed Cross VT Trail Easement
EM Planning Commission Letter of Support
Draft Formal Trail Easement
Cross VT Trail Segment Link to Proposed Easement
VT Land Trust & Cross VT Trail Application to VT Housing & Conservation Board
VT Land Trust Letter to EM Selectboard on Fairmont Dairy Conservation Project
2019 EM Selectboard Letter of Support
EM Properties with Conserved Development Rights


East Montpelier Selectboard Vacancy

Kim Swasey, after seven years of meritorious service, has decided to step down from the Selectboard effective immediately. Please see below for the notice of vacancy:

The East Montpelier Selectboard is seeking to fill a vacancy on the Selectboard through the remainder of the first year of a two-year term. The Selectboard regularly meets twice a month, every first and third Monday, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building, with additional meetings as needed. There is a small annual stipend.

Candidates must be legally qualified voters in East Montpelier.

If you would like to be considered for this position or simply want more information, please contact or send a letter of interest to:

Bruce Johnson
East Montpelier Town Administrator
PO Box 157
East Montpelier, VT 05651
(802) 223-3313 x 204

The Selectboard will consider the appointment of a qualified applicant at its October 21, 2019 meeting. Any appointment will end on March 3, 2020. The second year of this two-year Selectboard seat will be up for election on 2020 Town Meeting Day.


November 5, 2019 WCUUSD Special Meeting

Washington Central Unified Union School District, the new, 5-town (East Montpelier, Berlin, Calais, Middlesex and Worcester) school district, has called a special meeting for November 5, 2019 to vote, by Australian Ballot, on a series of public questions.

November 5, 2019 Election Notice
November 5, 2019 Election Sample Ballot
EM Voter Checklist (as of 09/26/19)

November 5, 2019 WCUUSD Warning
WCUUSD Press Release On November 5, 2019 Vote

More information on the special meeting will be provided when available.

For East Montpelier voters, the election will be held at the East Montpelier Elementary School, 665 Vincent Flats Road, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on November 5, 2019.

If you have any questions about any election issues, such as absentee ballots or voter registration, please contact Town Clerk Rosie Laquerre at the town office (; 223-3313 x 201).

The VT Secretary of State also offers voter services: “My Voter Page” to, among other things, request an absentee ballot or simply check on your registration; “Vermont Online Voter Registration” to register to vote online.






September 23, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a “special” (simply because it’s off-schedule due to Labor Day) regular meeting on Monday, September 23, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

September 23, 2019 SB Agenda
September 23, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

SB Summer 2019 Meeting Schedule Notice

Documents of Interest:

Proposed Record Preservation Fund
Bank Transactions Security: Description of Positive Pay
Bank Transactions Security: Positive Pay Service Agreement
Draft FY2019 Town of EM External Audit
VLCT Self-Governance Initiative
EM Village Sidewalk Project Revised Grant Agreement
Proposed RCT Morrisville to Barre Commuter Bus Route

At the October 7th meeting the Selectboard will be continuing the discussion on the potential creation of an East Montpelier Conservation Commission. Documents related to that issue can be seen below:

Revised Proposal for EM Conservation Commission
VSA Title 24 Chapter 118 Conservation Commissions

See Draft EM Hazard Mitigation Plan for information on providing feedback on the recently approved draft plan.

See Zoning Update Project for information regarding the Planning Commission’s zoning regulations update effort.


October 1, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

October 1, 2019 DRB Warning
October 1, 2019 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

19-046 Town of East Montpelier Application
19-048 GOALASKA Application
19-052 Flannery Application


Mallory Brook Property Hunting Permit Lottery

Town Clerk Rosie Laquerre conducted the Mallory Brook Property hunting permit lottery on Wednesday, October 2, 2019. The lucky fifteen are revealed below:

2019 Mallory Brook Property Hunting Permit Lottery Results


Previous post:

The annual Mallory Brook Property in East Montpelier, VT Hunting and Trapping Permit Lottery is coming soon!

Permit applications are available August 30, 2019 to September 27, 2019 at the East Montpelier Town Clerk’s Office. Permit Fee of $10.00 due when request is submitted. Applicant must have valid VERMONT Hunting License when applying for Permit.

2019 Mallory Brook Lottery Notice
2019 Mallory Brook Permit Application

DRAWING DATE: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at Town Clerk’s Office at 11:00 a.m. Further information available from Town Clerk’s Office, 223-3313. M-Th 9-5; F 9-Noon.


September 9, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a “special” (simply because it’s off-schedule due to Labor Day) regular meeting on Monday, September 9, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

September 9, 2019 SB Agenda
September 9, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

SB Summer 2019 Meeting Schedule Notice

Documents of Interest:

VLCT Selectboard Meetings Fall 2019 Outline
VLCT Self-Governance Initiative
2019-2020 VLCT Municipal Policy Booklet
2019 VLCT Town Fair Brochure
FY2021 Funding Request Application
FY2021 Funding Request Worksheet Preliminary
FY2020 Funding Report
Letter of Concern Regarding New Traffic Signals’ Timing
WEC Permit for 830 Factory Street
Scarborough Comments on PC Zoning Update Project

At the October 7th meeting the Selectboard will be continuing the discussion on the potential creation of an East Montpelier Conservation Commission. Documents related to that issue can be seen below:

Revised Proposal for EM Conservation Commission
VSA Title 24 Chapter 118 Conservation Commissions

See Draft EM Hazard Mitigation Plan for information on providing feedback on the recently approved draft plan.

See Zoning Update Project for information regarding the Planning Commission’s zoning regulations update effort.


September 3, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

September 3, 2019 DRB Warning
September 3, 2019 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

19-041 Faulkner Guion 445 Kelton Road Application
19-041 Faulkner Guion Amended Subdivision Plat
19-040 VT Country Camper 50 Packard Road Application
19-037 Morrison Ollin 720 Templeton Road Application
19-044 Ebert Granger 550 Coburn Road Application
19-044 Ebert Granger 1-ft Contours Map


August 19, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, August 19, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

August 19, 2019 SB Agenda
August 19, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

SB Summer 2019 Meeting Schedule Notice

Documents of Interest:

Proposal for EM Conservation Commission
VSA Title 24 Chapter 118 Conservation Commissions
Proposed Fairmont Dairy/VT Land Trust Conservation Project
Future Capital Projects Questionnaire
2019 EMFD Capital Plan August Revision (Unapproved)
2019 EMFD Rescue 4 Ambulance Replacement Proposal

See Draft EM Hazard Mitigation Plan for information on providing feedback on the recently approved draft plan.

See Zoning Update Project for information regarding the Planning Commission’s zoning regulations update effort.


August 5, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, August 5, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

August 5, 2019 SB Agenda
August 5, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

SB Summer 2019 Meeting Schedule Notice

Documents of Interest:

Proposal for EM Conservation Commission
VSA Title 24 Chapter 118 Conservation Commissions
Proposed Fairmont Dairy/VT Land Trust Conservation Project
FY2020 Tax Rate Worksheet
July 2019 EM Grand List Form 411
2019 PVR Annual Report
Homestead Late Filing Penalty Statute
Future Capital Projects Questionnaire
Attorney Barlow Tax Sale Engagement Letter
Scarborough Comments on PC Zoning Update Project
Mongan Comments on PC Zoning Update Project

See Draft EM Hazard Mitigation Plan for information on providing feedback on the recently approved draft plan.

See Zoning Update Project for information regarding the Planning Commission’s zoning regulations update effort.


2019/20 Property Tax Information

At its August 5, 2019 meeting, the East Montpelier Selectboard set the property tax rates for the period July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The rates are as follows:

  • Resident (homestead) tax rate: 2.4564; down 0.0765 (3.0%) from last year
  • Non-resident (nonhomestead) tax rate: 2.2905; up 0.0306 (1.4%) from last year

FY2020 Tax Rate Worksheet

Tax bills will be sent out in mid-to-late August. If you haven’t received your property tax bill by the end of August, need another copy, or have questions about payments, please contact Town Treasurer Don Welch at (802) 223-3313 x 207 or If you have questions or issues that could more appropriately be handled at the state level, please contact Vermont Taxpayer Services at (802) 828-2865.

The first installment will be due by 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 15, 2019.

The second installment will be due by 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 15, 2020.

Payments must be received (postmark is not sufficient) by 5:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office Building, 40 Kelton Road, on the due date.

The Town of East Montpelier offers two programs for electronic payment of taxes: our direct debit program and a payment portal for credit & debit cards along with eChecks.

Direct Debit Tax Payments

Pay Portal

2019 Grand List (a search box will appear by typing, at the same time, the “Control” & “F” keys)

2019 East Montpelier Grand List
2019 East Montpelier Tax Exempt Properties
2019 East Montpelier State-owned Properties


Draft EM Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Town of East Montpelier recently completed a draft update of its hazard mitigation plan. The draft was approved by the East Montpelier Selectboard on July 22, 2019 and submitted to Vermont Emergency Management for review on July 29, 2019. The town is soliciting comments on the draft plan.

Draft 2019 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan

Please submit any comments by August 26, 2019 to:

Jonathan DeLaBruere, Emergency Management Planner
Central VT Regional Planning Commission
29 Main Street, Suite 4
Montpelier, VT 05602

— and/or —

Bruce Johnson, Town Administrator
Town of East Montpelier
PO Box 157
East Montpelier, VT 05651


July 22, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Monday, July 22, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

July 22, 2019 SB Agenda
July 22, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

SB Summer 2019 Meeting Schedule Notice

Documents of Interest:

Draft 2019 EM Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Draft Application for North Montpelier Village Designation
Draft 2019 EM Road & Bridge Standards
19-036 EM Dry Hydrant Codling Road Curb Cut
Draft 2019 Recreation Facilities Grant Application
SB Letter of Support for Recreation Facilities Grant Application
2019 CAI Technologies Web Map Support Agreement
2019 Treasurer Financial Management Questionnaire
2019 Town Clerk & Assistant Town Clerk Certifications of Appointment

See Zoning Update Project for information regarding the Planning Commission’s zoning regulations update effort.


July 1, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, July 1, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

July 1, 2019 SB Agenda
July 1, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

SB Summer 2019 Meeting Schedule Notice

Documents of Interest:

Draft 2019 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
Draft EM Fraud Prevention Policy

See June Open Houses on Draft Zoning Districts for information regarding the Planning Commission zoning update project.


June 17, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, June 17, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

June 17, 2019 SB Agenda
June 17, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

SB Summer 2019 Meeting Schedule Notice

Documents of Interest:

Town Clerk Update for Selectboard
Changes to Vital Records Handling
2019 Warrant to Impound
EM Fund Balance Policy
Amendment 1 to Creative Visions, LLC Lawn Maintenance Contract
June 17, 2019 Proposed Appointments
2019 Codling Road Dry Hydrant Project
2019 VTrans Structures Grant for County Road Culvert Replacement
2019 Municipal Grants-in-Aid Program Letter of Intent
Chapter 1: General [Version 4]

See June Open Houses on Draft Zoning Districts for information regarding the Planning Commission zoning update project.

The draft East Montpelier Hazard Mitigation Plan will be considered at the July 1, 2019 EM Selectboard meeting. Draft 2019 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan


July 2, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

July 2, 2019 DRB Warning
July 2, 2019 DRB Agenda

The July 2, 2019 DRB meeting includes a continuation of the planned residential development review of Application #19-022, submitted by Ellen Leonard and Janice Walrafen, to permit a master plan concept for the 10.2-acre Leonard/Walrafen property located at 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road.

Documents of Interest:

19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road DRB Application
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Revised Narrative
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Site Plan
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Parking Plan
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Revised Subdivision Plat
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Draft Ground Lease
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Draft Operating Agreement
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Preliminary Plan for Additional Septic
19-022 Public Submissions Pre-June 4, 2019 Hearing
19-022 Public Submissions Post-June 4, 2019 Hearing

19-030 Gourlet 670 Cherry Tree Hill Road App
19-030 Gourlet 670 Cherry Tree Hill Road Site Plan

19-031 Town of EM Codling Road Dry Hydrant Application
ANR Comments on Codling Road Dry Hydrant Proposal


Constable & Animal Control Officer Vacancies

The Town of East Montpelier is currently seeking to fill vacancies in the first constable position and both the lead and assistant animal control officer positions.


East Montpelier First Constable

After more than eleven years of deeply appreciated service to the Town of East Montpelier as both the elected First Constable and appointed lead Animal Control Officer, Sandy Conti has decided to step down from both positions. The town is now seeking candidates for the First Constable position (the ACO position is being recruited separately, but the same person serving in both positions as Sandy did will be considered). Years ago the town voted to prohibit constables from exercising any law enforcement authority. By statute (24 V.S.A. §1936a) the official duties are limited to the:

• Service of civil or criminal process, under 12 V.S.A. §691;
• Destruction of animals, in accordance with 20 V.S.A. chapter 193;
• Killing of injured deer, under 10 V.S.A. §4749;
• Provision of assistance to the health officer in the discharge of the health officer’s duties, under 18 V.S.A. §617;
• Service as a Criminal Division of the Superior Court officer, under 24 V.S.A. §296; and,
• Removal of disorderly people from town meeting, under 17 V.S.A. §2659.

This position receives a stipend of between $1,000 and $1,500 per year. If you would like to be considered for this position or simply want more information, please contact or send a letter of interest to:

Bruce Johnson
East Montpelier Town Administrator
PO Box 157
East Montpelier, VT 05651
(802) 223-3313 x 204

Candidates must be legally qualified voters in East Montpelier. The Selectboard will consider the applicants at its July 1, 2019 meeting. Any appointment will be for the remainder of Sandy’s one-year term, through 2020 Town Meeting Day.


East Montpelier Animal Control Officers

Soon after Sandy Conti stepped down as our lead animal control officer, our assistant ACO, Elliott Morse, also resigned. Hence, the town is now seeking candidates for both ACO positions. The main ACO duty is the enforcement of the town’s animal control ordinance. Animal Control Officers are also responsible for capturing and impounding dangerous or stray domestic animals, investigating cases of animal cruelty, and enforcing licensing laws.

We’re looking for people who are comfortable with animals, great at communicating with people from all walks of life, and are effective problem solvers. The Animal Control Officer role is all about helping animals and people co-exist in our community, and giving a helping hand to those who need it. That could mean helping a community member to understand their responsibility for following the animal control ordinance, it could mean getting a stray dog to safety, it could mean trapping a cat who has lost her way, and it could mean working with neighbors to resolve a complaint about animals. If you believe you have the skill set to help our town in this way, please contact or send a letter of interest to:

Bruce Johnson
East Montpelier Town Administrator
PO Box 157
East Montpelier, VT 05651
(802) 223-3313 x 204

The lead ACO receives a stipend of $1,000; the assistant ACO receives a stipend of $500.


June 3, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, June 3, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

June 3, 2019 SB Agenda
June 3, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

SB Summer 2019 Meeting Schedule Notice

Documents of Interest:

Draft EM Revolving Loan Fund Policy
January 21, 2019 Revolving Loan Advisory Committee Memo
Sandy Pines Loan Closeout Agreement
Chapter 1: General [Version 4]
2010 Upper Winooski River Corridor Management Plan
2013 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
2019 EM County Road Paving Grant Agreement

See May 2, 2019 Public Forum on Draft Zoning Districts for information regarding the Planning Commission zoning update project.


2019 Listers Notice to Taxpayers

On May 30, 2019 the East Montpelier Board of Listers lodged the 2019 Grand List with the Town Clerk.

2019 Listers Notice to Taxpayers

The Grand List contains the listing of all taxable properties in the town along with the current assessment of each property. The lodging of this list opens a two-week window in which taxpayers can grieve their current property assessment. Taxpayers whose assessment changed during the past year will receive direct notice of the change and right to grieve. All taxpayers, however, have the right to grieve during this period.

32 V.S.A. §4111(g) reads as follows:

A person who feels aggrieved by the action of the listers and desires to be heard by them, shall, on or before the day of the grievance meeting, file with them his objections in writing and may appear at such grievance meeting in person or by his agents or attorneys. Upon the hearing of such grievance the parties thereto may submit such documentary or sworn evidence as shall be pertinent thereto.

The grievance hearing will be held on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at the East Montpelier Town Office from 9:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Grievances can be submitted in writing to the listers on or before the date of the grievance hearing. You may call (223-3313) or come into the East Montpelier Town Office between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to noon on Friday to make an appointment to present your grievance in person.

For more information, please see the State of Vermont handbook on the tax appeal process:

2009 Tax Appeal Handbook


June Open Houses on Draft Zoning Districts

During June the East Montpelier Planning Commission will hold a series of public open houses focusing on the draft zoning districts in specific areas of town. All the open houses will be held at the Emergency Services Facility (the village fire station; 54 Village Acres) and start at 7:00 p.m. The open houses are designed to provide the opportunity to informally ask questions and discuss district purposes, boundaries, uses, dimensional standards, and development standards with the Planning Commission and its consultant. There will be large maps available for review. Please join us to provide comments and feedback on the draft districts. Refreshments will be available.


June 27, 2019 Open House

The June 27, 2019 open house focuses on the draft business zoning districts.

June 27, 2019 PC Agenda
Business Districts Zoning Fact Sheet
Draft Zoning Districts Map
Current Zoning Districts Map from 2018 Town Plan
Future Land Use Map from 2018 Town Plan
Business Zoning Districts
Business Zoning Districts Use and Dimensional Tables
Feedback Form for June 27, 2019 Open House

Additional Maps of Interest:

Current Zoning Districts Map with Development Potential
Draft Zoning Districts Map — Option A with Development Potential
Draft Zoning Districts — Option A Development Potential Visual Depiction
Draft Zoning Districts Map — Option B with Development Potential
Draft Zoning Districts — Option B Development Potential Visual Depiction


June 20, 2019 Open House

The June 20, 2019 open house focused on the draft rural zoning districts.

June 20, 2019 PC Agenda
Rural Areas Zoning Fact Sheet
Draft Zoning Districts Map — Option A
Rural Zoning Districts — Option A
Draft Zoning Districts Map — Option B
Rural Zoning Districts — Option B
Rural Zoning Districts Use and Dimensional Tables
Current Zoning Districts Map from 2018 Town Plan
Future Land Use Map from 2018 Town Plan
Priority Forest Blocks & Habitat Connectors Map from 2018 Town Plan
Feedback Form for June 20, 2019 Open House

Presentation at June 20, 2019 Zoning Districts Open House


June 6, 2019 Open House

The June 6, 2019 open house focused on the draft village and residential neighborhood zoning districts:

East Montpelier Village (Mixed Use 4, Mixed Use 2 and Residential 2)
North Montpelier (Mixed Use 4 and Residential 2)
East Montpelier Center (Residential 2)
Gallison Hill Area near U-32 (Residential 2)
Northwood Drive Area near Goddard College (Residential 2)

June 6, 2019 PC Agenda
Village & Settled Areas Zoning Fact Sheet
Draft Zoning Districts Map
Current Zoning Districts Map from 2018 Town Plan
Future Land Use Map from 2018 Town Plan
Village Area Zoning Districts
Village Area Zoning Districts Use and Dimensional Tables
Feedback Form for June 6, 2019 Open House

Presentation at June 6, 2019 Zoning Districts Open House


May 2, 2019 Public Forum

The East Montpelier Planning Commission held a public forum on Thursday, May 2, 2019 to present the draft zoning districts.

Presentation at May 2, 2019 Zoning Districts Forum


Current East Montpelier Zoning Regulations

2015 EM Land Use & Development Regulations (no maps)
2015 EM Land Use & Development Regulations
2015 EM Zoning Map
2015 EM Water Resources Map
2015 EM Conservation Overlay Districts Map
2015 EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map


Current Version of the Draft East Montpelier Zoning Regulations

The current, preliminary draft version of the draft zoning regulations, including the two versions of the zoning districts presented at the May 2, 2019 Public Forum (which differ only in the treatment of the three rural zoning districts, providing alternatives for district locations and dimensional standards), are provided here for context and reference:

Table of Contents [Version 4]
Chapter 1: General [Version 4]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts [Version 4.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts Use Table [Version 4.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts Map [Version 4.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts [Version 5.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts Use Table [Version 5.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts Map [Version 5.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Overlay Districts [Version 4]
Chapter 3: Development Standards [Version 4]
Chapter 4: Administration [Version 4]
Chapter 5: Definitions [Version 4]


May 20, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, May 20, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

May 20, 2019 SB Agenda
May 20, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

2010 Upper Winooski River Corridor Management Plan
2019 Proposed Hazard Mitigation Plan Actions
EM Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey Results
2013 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
2019 Draft Delinquent Tax Collection Policy
2019 EM & PlaceSense Contract
2019 Delta Dental Outline of Coverage
2019 Delta Dental Plans
2019 Delta Dental Renewal Memo
2019 HRA Adoption Agreement
2019 HRA Basic Plan Document
2019 HRA Summary Plan Description
2019 HRA Certificate of Adopting Resolution

See May 2, 2019 Public Forum on Draft Zoning Districts for information regarding the Planning Commission zoning update project.


June 4, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

June 4, 2019 DRB Warning
June 4, 2019 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road DRB Application
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Site Plan
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Parking Plan
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Subdivision Plat
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Draft Ground Lease
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Draft Operating Agreement
19-022 170 Cherry Tree Hill Road Preliminary Plan for Additional Septic


May 13, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special joint meeting with the Calais Selectboard on Monday, May 13, 2019, 6:00 p.m. at the Calais Town Office, 3120 Pekin Brook Road. Prior to the meeting, at 5:00 p.m. the Selectboard will conduct a site visit of Black Rock Quarry, located off County Road.

May 13, 2019 SB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

Black Rock Quarry Location Map
EM Town Garage to Quarry Map
Black Rock Quarry Site Plan

FY2019 Q3 EMFD Financials
April 2019 EMFD White Board Presentation
April 11, 2019 Calais Draft Minutes for EMFD Meeting
2019 EMFD Capital Plan
Approved EMFD FY2020 Budget Request
EMFD Current & Projected Salary Costs
EMFD Town Budgets FY2014-20


May 6, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, May 6, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building. Prior to the meeting, at 6:00 p.m. the board will hold a “vicious dog” hearing.

May 6, 2019 SB Agenda
May 6, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest for the Dog Hearing:

2019 Connor Dog Complaint Plus Supporting Documents
MacDonald Morse Vicious Dog Hearing Notice
2014 East Montpelier Dog Control Ordinance
Vicious Dog Hearing Rules of Procedure

Documents of Interest for the Selectboard Meeting:

See May 2, 2019 Public Forum on Draft Zoning Districts for information regarding the Planning Commission zoning update project.
EM Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey Results
2019 EM Hazard Risk Assessment & Prioritization
VT SHMP Hazard Assessment
2013 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
East Montpelier CMG PARK(37) LCL Project Acceptance Memo


2019 Green Up Day

From East Montpelier’s Green Up Day Coordinator, Chris Racanelli:

Join your neighbors and friends for the annual Green Up Day on Saturday, May 4th from 9 to 2. Let’s do our part to clean up East Montpelier and remove unsightly litter along our beautiful roads and woods. You’ll be surprised at the amount of trash you can remove in just a couple of hours!

Green up efforts have already begun with neighbors picking up litter from our roads. Please let me know of any sections of roads you have cleaned or plan to clean. If you come across heavy items and would rather not lift them, give me a call with the location. Also, if you are aware of any trouble spots or areas in need, let me know.

Bags available at the Town office, Dudley’s Store, Plainfield Hardware, NorthCountry Federal Credit Union or East Montpelier Elementary School.

Lunch at the EMES Cafeteria from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. — sandwiches, beverages, cookies!!

Volunteers Needed:

1) East Montpelier Elementary School Parking Lot. Two shifts available – 9 a.m. to noon and noon to 2 p.m. Basic duties – help unload tires and trash from cars, separate trash from recyclables, clean recyclables, place in appropriate dumpsters.
2) Pick-up trucks. If you have a truck, can you help us bring in large items left along the roads to the green up site at the elementary school?
3) Volunteers. To accompany drivers of pickup trucks helping load/unload items.

Contact Chris at 793-6687 or to let him know if you can help.


And Don’t Forget Returnables:

On Green Up Day from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. East Montpelier Boy Scout Troop 742 is collecting returnable bottles and cans at the Canadian Club, 414 E. Montpelier Road (VT Rte. 14) in Barre Town. This event is a fundraiser for local scouts to attend summer camp at Mt. Norris Scout Reservation in Eden, VT.


May 2, 2019 Public Forum on Draft Zoning Districts

The East Montpelier Planning Commission will hold a public forum on Thursday, May 2, 2019, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Emergency Services Facility (fire station), 54 Village Acres. The PC and its consultant will present the draft zoning districts and take questions/comments. Two versions of the zoning districts will be presented, which have different approaches to the rural districts. The PC will consider public feedback in finalizing the proposed districts. The PC will hold a short meeting immediately after the forum.

May 2, 2019 PC Agenda

Feedback Survey for May 2, 2019 Zoning Districts Forum


Draft Chapter 2 Zoning Districts Version 4.2

Chapter 2: Zoning Districts [Version 4.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts Use Table [Version 4.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts Map [Version 4.2]

Draft Chapter 2 Zoning Districts Version 5.2

Chapter 2: Zoning Districts [Version 5.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts Use Table [Version 5.2]
Chapter 2: Zoning Districts Map [Version 5.2]

Versions 4.2 & 5.2 differ only in the treatment of the three rural zoning districts, providing alternatives for district locations and dimensional standards.


Development Potential of Versions 4.2 & 5.2 Compared to Current Zoning

Version 4.2 Development Potential
Version 4.2 Development Potential Visual Depiction
Version 5.2 Development Potential
Version 5.2 Development Potential Visual Depiction


Current East Montpelier Zoning Regulations

2015 EM Land Use & Development Regulations (no maps)
2015 EM Land Use & Development Regulations
2015 EM Zoning Map
2015 EM Water Resources Map
2015 EM Conservation Overlay Districts Map
2015 EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map


This public forum will focus just on the draft zoning districts. Future public forums will focus on other aspects of the draft zoning regulations. The current, preliminary draft versions of other sections of draft zoning regulations are provided here for context and reference:

Table of Contents [Version 4]
Chapter 1: General [Version 4]
Chapter 2: Zoning Overlay Districts [Version 4]
Chapter 3: Development Standards [Version 4]
Chapter 4: Administration [Version 4]
Chapter 5: Definitions [Version 4]


April 22, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special regular meeting (rescheduled from April 15th) on Monday, April 22, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

April 22, 2019 SB Agenda
April 22, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

EM Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey Results
2019 EM Hazard Risk Assessment & Prioritization
VT SHMP Hazard Assessment
2013 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
CVRPC EAB Services Memorandum of Agreement
Kingsbury Branch Stormwater Master Plan Draft Report
Draft Cross VT Trail No Permit Letter
2019 Canon Copier Proposal
2019 WEC Annual Meeting Information
2019 EM EAB Municipal Grant


Special School Meeting Election Results

2019 Special School Meeting Election Results

Thank you to all who participated. Next up in our unusual year of school votes will be the May 21, 2019 election of members to the new WCUUSD board.


May 7, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

May 7, 2019 DRB Warning
May 7, 2019 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

19-001 Abrams Revised Subdivision Application
19-001 Abrams Revised Subdivision Plat
19-001 Abrams Revised Site Plan
19-014 Bailey Duplex Application
19-014 Bailey Site Plan


18th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Coming soon: the 18th Annual Easter Egg Hunt for East Montpelier residents and their extended families. Sponsored by the East Montpelier Recreation Board.

When: Saturday, April 13th at 10:00 a.m. sharp

Where: We will meet at the ball field again this year. The Easter Egg hunt will take place on the recreation field as well as in the back of the school. The fields could still be quite snowy and/or wet; please dress your children accordingly.

There will be age appropriate groups for children up through the 6th grade. We hope to see you there.

We are also looking for volunteers to help hide the eggs and set up for the event. If interested, please arrive at the school at 9:00 AM on April 13th.


April 1, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, April 1, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

April 1, 2019 SB Agenda
April 1, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

EM Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey Results
2013 EM LHMP Identified Hazards
LHMP Hazard Risk Assessment and Prioritization
VT SHMP Hazard Assessment
2013 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
2019 Pike Paving Estimate for Carleton Blvd
2019 County Road Morse Culvert VTrans Structures Grant App
2019 County Road VTrans Paving Grant App
2019 Standards EM Certification of Compliance
FY2020 EM Annual Highway Financial Plan
2017 Cate Farm Road Bridge Inspection Report
2017 Coburn Road Covered Bridge Inspection Report
NIC Payment Processing Subscription Agreement
Smith v. Town Decision on Motion to Dismiss


April 9, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on April 9, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

April 9, 2019 DRB Warning
April 9, 2019 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

19-009 Coburn Subdivision Application
19-009 Coburn Subdivision Plat
19-009 Coburn ANR Atlas Map
19-011 Laquerre Subdivision Application
19-011 Laquerre Subdivision Plat
19-011 Laquerre ANR Atlas Map


March 18, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, March 18, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

March 18, 2019 SB Agenda
March 18, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

2013 EM LHMP Identified Hazards
2019 EM Hazard Mitigation Survey Notice
LHMP Hazard Risk Assessment and Prioritization
VT SHMP Hazard Assessment
2013 EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
Draft March 7, 2019 PC Minutes Highlighting Vacancy Recommendation
Revolving Loan Committee Memo to SB
VLCT Model Social Media Policy
2019 rbTech Quote for Network Overhaul
Draft 2019 SB Rules of Transaction
Draft 2019 Town Meeting Minutes


April 9, 2019 Special School Meeting

You almost certainly noticed that there were a number of normal voted items missing from the school portion of Town Meeting this year, both on the Australian Ballot side and on the floor. In particular, there were no votes on the U-32 and EMES FY2020 budgets. That is about to be remedied.

Both the East Montpelier Elementary School District and the U-32 School District have called special school district meetings for Tuesday, April 9, 2019. There will be an Australian Ballot vote on both the EMES budget and the U-32 budget & regular items in the EMES library from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. There will also be a standard school meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the EMES gymnasium to handle floor vote items.

April 9, 2019 School Election Notice to Voters
April 9, 2019 Voter Checklist (as of 03/11/19)

April 9, 2019 EMES School Meeting Warning
EMES Annual Budget Report

April 9, 2019 U-32 School Meeting Warning
U-32 Annual Budget Report

There will be an information meeting on Thursday, April 4, 2019, 5:30 p.m. at EMES for the EMES budget (this is the standard mandatory information meeting for Australian Ballot items). The equivalent meeting for the U-32 budget will be held Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 6:00 p.m. at U-32, room 128/131.

Please understand that this is essentially a separate process from the parallel track the Act 46 merger process is on. The rescheduled organization meeting for the Washington Central Unified Union School District is set for Monday, April 8, 2019, 6:00 p.m. in the U-32 auditorium. You can see more on that here:

School District Merger Information

If you have any questions about any election issues, such as absentee ballots or voter registration, please contact Town Clerk Rosie Laquerre at the town office (; 223-3313 x 201).

The VT Secretary of State also offers voter services: “My Voter Page” to, among other things, request an absentee ballot or simply check on your registration; “Vermont Online Voter Registration” to register to vote online.






2019 Town Meeting Election Results

2019 Town Meeting Day Town & School District Election Results
2019 Town Meeting Day U-32 School District Election Results

Participation Rate:

144 voters (6.4% of the checklist) checked in for Town Meeting
393 voters (17.6% of the checklist) voted at the polls

Thank you to all who attended Town Meeting &/or voted in the Australian Ballot portion of the proceedings. As always, special thanks to Colin McCaffrey for his double duty of sound management and master of the microphone (with the able assistance of our boy scout volunteer, Arthur), as well as to Sue Racanelli and her team of potluck lunch volunteers.


Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey

The Town of East Montpelier, with the assistance of the Central VT Regional Planning Commission, is in the process of updating its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan helps guide the proactive (we hope) efforts to improve the town’s capacity to withstand calamitous events, such as the 2011 storms that resulted in over $300,000 worth of damage to the town’s infrastructure. The existence of a FEMA-approved plan opens up hazard mitigation grant opportunities and decreases the town share component of federal (generally FEMA) & state funding for repairs from events that warrant federal disaster declarations.

An important part of hazard mitigation plan development is community involvement/feedback — we need your input! Our first such public engagement effort is a short survey on various plan elements. You can access the survey either from the link below or by opening the notice, which contains both the direct link and a QR code for smart phone use.

2019 East Montpelier Hazard Mitigation Survey

2019 East Montpelier Hazard Mitigation Survey Notice

Thank you for participating in this survey.


March 4, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, March 4, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

March 4, 2019 SB Agenda
March 4, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

2019 VT State Police Contract
Black Rock Quarry Act 250 Permit
Black Rock Quarry Act 250 Permit Extension
Black Rock Quarry Map
Town Garage to Black Rock Quarry Map
EM Tax Sale Notice
EM Tax Sale Information
EM Recreation Board Suggested Appointment Procedure


March 12, 2019 DRB Meeting

This meeting has been postponed. The meeting will be held on April 9, 2019.

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

March 12, 2019 DRB Warning

Documents of Interest:

19-001 Abrams Revised Subdivision Application
19-001 Abrams Revised Site Plan
19-001 Abrams Revised Subdivision Plat
19-009 Coburn Subdivision Application
19-009 Coburn Subdivision Plat
19-009 Coburn ANR Atlas Map


February 18, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, February 18, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

February 18, 2019 SB Agenda
February 18, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

Proposed Schedule for Development of EM Hazard Mitigation Plan
Revolving Loan Committee Memo to SB
Draft EM Revolving Loan Fund Policies and Procedures
Proposed FY2020 CAI Tax Map Maintenance Contract
Certificate of No Appeal of 2018 Grand List
Caledonia Spirits Special Event Permit Application


Planning Commission Vacancy

Ray Stout recently resigned his seat on the Planning Commission, hence:

There is a vacancy on the East Montpelier Planning Commission. This nine-member elected board handles, along with other planning activities, the development and maintenance of the town plan and zoning regulations. The PC also participates in the development of the town’s various emergency management plans as well as the capital budget. PC members also serve as alternates to the Development Review Board when needed. The PC regularly meets twice a month, every first and third Thursday, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building with infrequent additional meetings as needed. There is a small annual stipend.

If you would like to be considered for this position or simply want more information, please contact or send a letter of interest to:

Bruce Johnson
East Montpelier Town Administrator
PO Box 157
East Montpelier, VT 05651
(802) 223-3313 x 204

Candidates must be legally qualified voters in East Montpelier. The Planning Commission will review the applications at its March 7, 2019 meeting. The PC will submit a recommendation to the Selectboard, which will make the appointment. Any appointment will be for the remainder of the third year of the normal 3-year term, through 2020 Town Meeting Day.


2019 Town Meeting Information

This post will be updated on a regular basis through 2019 Town Meeting

2019 Town Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 5, 2019, 9:30 a.m. in the gymnasium of the East Montpelier Elementary School. 2019 Town Meeting Australian Ballot voting will run from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. in the EMES library. 2019 Town Forum will be held Saturday, March 2, 2019, 9:30 a.m. in the EMES gym. At both Town Meeting and Town Forum the school district will be first up, followed by the town.

2019 Town Meeting warnings are now posted.

2019 EM Town Meeting Warning
2019 EMES Warning
2019 U-32 Warning

Other items of interest:

2019 Town Meeting Notice to Voters
2019 Town Meeting Checklist (as of February 6, 2019)
2019 Town Meeting Sample Ballot

FY2020 EM Selectboard Budget
FY2020 Capital Plan Adopted by Selectboard

More information on 2019 Town Meeting is on the town’s website at: 2019 Town Meeting
We’ll continue to post materials as they become available.

Volunteers are always welcome to help with Town Meeting Day’s potluck lunch. Please contact Coordinator Sue Racanelli (225-6032 or for more information.

If you have any questions about any election issues, such as absentee ballots, 2019 Town Meeting voting, or voter registration, please contact Town Clerk Rosie Laquerre at the town office (; 223-3313 x 201).

The VT Secretary of State also offers voter services: “My Voter Page” to, among other things, request an absentee ballot or simply check on your registration; “Vermont Online Voter Registration” to register to vote online.







January 21, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, January 21, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

January 21, 2019 SB Agenda
January 21, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

2019 VTrans Highway Mileage Certificate
EM EAB Grant Program Application
FY2020 Draft EM Selectboard Budget
FY2020 Capital Plan Adopted by Selectboard
2019 VT Dept of Taxes PVR Annual Report
Draft 2019 EM Town Meeting Warning
Fire Warden Appointment


February 5, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building has been canceled. The Abrams hearing will be rescheduled and is expected, at this point, to be held as part of the DRB’s March 12, 2019 meeting.

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

February 5, 2019 DRB Warning

Documents of Interest:

19-001 Abrams Subdivision Application
19-001 Abrams Subdivision Plat

After the initial application the Abrams submitted a revised subdivision plat plus a site plan; the two new documents match the total information on the original plat, just in a more understandable format:

19-001 Abrams Revised Subdivision Plat
19-001 Abrams Overall Site Plan


School District Merger Information

The first meeting of the Washington Central Unified Union School District is now set for Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 6:00 p.m. in the U-32 auditorium.

February 19, 2019 WCUUSD Warning

The Washington Central Supervisory Union (WCSU) is using a number of methods to communicate information on the various elements in play during the Act 46 merger process. You can see updates and other information in these locations:

WCSU’s WCUUSD Page (with archived Act 46 information)
WCSU’s Announcements Section
WCSU Superintendent’s Blog
WCSU’s Facebook Page
WCSU’s YouTube Channel
Superintendent Kimball’s Twitter Page


January 7, 2019 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on Monday, January 7, 2019, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

January 7, 2019 SB Agenda
January 7, 2019 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of Interest:

Draft 2019 Town Meeting Warning
EMFD FY2020 Budget Concern Letter to Selectboards
December 10, 2018 Selectboard Minutes

The VT Department of Taxes has released the 2018 Property Valuation Equalization Study results. This provides the Common Level of Appraisal figure used for the upcoming (Tax Year 2019/20) education tax rate determinations. The East Montpelier CLA is 95.32%, down from last year’s 95.83%.

EM 2018 Equalization Study Results
EM 2018 Property Value Equalization Study Final Computation Sheet


January 8, 2019 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

January 8, 2019 DRB Warning
January 8, 2019 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

18-055 Brown DRB Application
Abrams, 925 Center Road, Current Parcel Layout
Abrams, 925 Center Road, Proposed Lot Reconfiguration & Subdivision


January 14, 2019 Special School Meeting

On January 14, 2019 there will be a special meeting of the new Washington Central Unified Union School District (WCUUSD). Voters of the five U-32 towns subject to the recent State Board of Education-ordered school district merger (Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex, and Worcester) are notified to attend the meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the U-32 auditorium. The original January 9th date has been rescheduled to the 14th.

Washington Central Unified Union School District Warning
Washington Central Unified Union School District Articles of Agreement
WCUUSD’s Act 46 Update #1 YouTube Video

The Washington Central Supervisory Union (WCSU) is using a number of methods to communicate information on this meeting and the various other elements in play during the Act 46 merger process. You can see updates and other information in these locations:

WCSU’s WCUUSD Page (with archived Act 46 information)
WCSU’s Announcements Section
WCSU Superintendent’s Blog
WCSU’s Facebook Page
WCSU’s YouTube Channel
Superintendent Kimball’s Twitter Page


March 7, 2019 Tax Sale

The town has scheduled a tax sale on one property to be held on Thursday, March 7, 2019, 10:00 a.m. at the town office building.

Notice of March 7, 2019 Tax Sale

The tax sale includes the property located at 2784 US Rte. 2. For more information, please contact East Montpelier Delinquent Tax Collector Bruce Johnson at or (802) 223-3313 x 204.