December 21, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

On December 21, 2015 the East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

December 21, 2015 SB Agenda
December 21, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

KHL Report for East Montpelier Dec. 2015
FY2017 Funding Request Study Request Report
Center Road Speed Near Dodge Road
Center Road Speed Near Bliss Road
Center Road Volume Near Dodge Road
Center Road Volume Near Bliss Road
FY2015 EM External Audit
FY2015 EM External Audit Management Letter
FY2015 EM External Audit Communications Letter
2016 EM CLA
FY2017 Capital Budget Plan


Selectboard Adopts Zoning Regulation Amendments

On November 30, 2015 the East Montpelier Selectboard adopted amendments to the East Montpelier Land Use & Development Regulations. There is a statutory 21-day waiting period before the amendments are effective. This allows town voters to petition for a town meeting to consider the amendments. 24 V.S.A. 4442(d) stipulates that if 5% of town voters (about 100) submit a petition for such a town meeting within 20 days of the Selectboard vote to adopt the amendments, the amendments shall not take effect. If a proper petition is filed, a town meeting will be scheduled for an Australian Ballot vote on the amendments.

Regulations as Adopted November 30, 2015 (effective December 21, 2015 unless petition filed):

2015 EM Land Use & Development Regulations (no maps)
2015 EM Land Use & Development Regulations
2015 EM Zoning Map
2015 EM Water Resources Map
2015 EM Conservation Overlay Districts Map
2015 EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map

For more on the amendment process, please see: November 30, 2015 Selectboard Hearing on Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendments


November 30, 2015 Selectboard Hearing on Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendments

On November 30, 2015 the East Montpelier Selectboard held a public hearing on proposed amendments to the East Montpelier Land Use & Development Regulations. The hearing was held at 7:00 p.m. in the public room of the Emergency Services Facility (the new fire station; 54 Village Acres). Immediately following the hearing the Selectboard held a special meeting at which it adopted the amendments.

November 30, 2015 Hearing Notice
November 30, 2015 Selectboard Agenda
November 30, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda
Official PC Bylaw Report for the Proposed Amendments

On June 22, 2015 the East Montpelier Planning Commission presented numerous proposed East Montpelier Land Use & Development Regulations amendments to the East Montpelier Selectboard. The Selectboard conducted an in-depth review of the  proposed amendments at its August 31, 2015 meeting. The board continued its review at its September 21st, October 5th, and October 19th meetings, focusing on Section 7.4 (certificate of compliance) and Article 9 (flood hazard regulations). The board is now comfortable with taking the current amendment language to a hearing to receive public comment.

Proposed Amendments:

Proposed June 2015 EM LUDR (no maps)
Proposed June 2015 EM Conservation Overlay Districts Map
Proposed June 2015 EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map

Current Regulations:

Current EM Land Use & Development Regulations
Current EM Land Use & Development Regulations (with maps; large file)
EM Zoning Map (current; no proposed changes)
Water Resources Map (current; no proposed changes)
EM Conservation Overlay Areas Map (current; proposed to be replaced by new map)
NFIP Flood Hazard Map (current; proposed to include river corridors)

A major element of these proposed amendments is a comprehensive revision of Article 9 Flood Hazard Area Regulations, including the addition of river corridor protection. The PC held a public forum for the Article 9 revisions on September 18, 2014. We set up a webpage for that forum that provides a wealth of information on the need for the updated regulations and flood hazards in general. You can view that webpage here: Flood Hazard Information


December 7, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on December 7, 2015. As part of this meeting, the board will conduct a joint session with the Town of Calais Selectboard to discuss the East Montpelier Fire Department’s FY2017 request for funding.

December 7, 2015 SB Agenda
December 7, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

Draft Proposed FY2017 EMFD Budget
FY2015 EMFD Audit Governance Letter
FY2015 EMFD Audit Financial Statement
FY2015 EMFD Audit CIC
2014-2025 EMFD Capital Plan Updated
2015/16 Winter Road Use Request from EM Gully Jumpers
2016 Municipal Planning Grant Agreement


December 1, 2015 Caldwell Property Tax Sale

There will be a tax sale held on December 1, 2015, 10:00 a.m. at the town office. The 5.5-acre undeveloped property is owned by John Caldwell and located on the west side of County Road one-third mile north of Powder Horn Glen Road.

2015 Caldwell Tax Sale Notice
2015 Delinquent Tax Collection Policy


December 2, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special joint meeting with the Calais Selectboard and the East Montpelier Fire Department on December 2, 2015, 7:00 p.m. in the public room of the Emergency Services Facility (the new fire station; 54 Village Acres).

December 2, 2015 SB Agenda

Documents of interest:

Draft Proposed FY2017 EMFD Budget
FY2015 EMFD Audit Governance Letter
FY2015 EMFD Audit Financial Statement
FY2015 EMFD Audit CIC
2014-2025 EMFD Capital Plan Updated
EMFD Financial Report through October 2015
EMFD 2Q Budget v Actual Fire Service
EMFD 2Q Budget v Actual Ambulance Service


Planning Commission Vacancy

There is a vacancy on the East Montpelier Planning Commission. This nine-member elected board handles, along with other planning activities, the development and maintenance of the town plan, zoning regulations, hazard mitigation plan, and capital budget. PC members also serve as alternates to the Development Review Board when needed. The PC meets twice a month (except August), every first and third Thursday, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building. There is a small annual stipend.

If you would like to be considered for this position or simply want more information, please contact or send a letter of interest to:

Bruce Johnson
East Montpelier Town Administrator
PO Box 157
East Montpelier, VT 05651
(802) 223-3313 x 204

Candidates must be legally qualified voters in East Montpelier. The Planning Commission will review the applications at its November 19, 2015 meeting. The PC will submit a recommendation to the Selectboard, which will make the appointment. Any appointment will be for the remainder of the second year of the normal 3-year term, through 2016 Town Meeting Day.


November 16, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on November 16, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

November 16, 2015 SB Agenda
November 16, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

East Montpelier Lazar Solar Array 45 Day Notice
Cassani Property Lot Lines
East Montpelier Lazar Solar Array Site Plan

For information on the proposed zoning regulation amendments and the upcoming public hearing, please see: November 30, 2015 Selectboard Hearing on Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendments


November 10, 2015 Capital Improvement Committee Meeting

The East Montpelier Capital Improvement Committee (CIC) will hold a special meeting on November 10, 2015, 7 p.m. at the town office building.

November 10, 2015 CIC Agenda

The CIC invites all East Montpelier residents to attend this meeting to provide input on the proposed Capital Planning and Reserve Budget for FY2017.

Draft CIC Capital Budget Plan


Town Considering Zoning Regulation Amendments

On June 22, 2015 the East Montpelier Planning Commission presented numerous proposed East Montpelier Land Use & Development Regulations amendments to the East Montpelier Selectboard. The Selectboard conducted an in-depth review of the  proposed amendments at its August 31, 2015 meeting. The board continued its review at its September 21st, October 5th, and October 19th meetings, focusing on Section 7.4 (certificate of compliance) and Article 9 (flood hazard regulations). The board is now comfortable with taking the current amendment language to a hearing to receive public comment.

The Selectboard hearing on the amendments will be held on Monday, November 30, 2015, 7 p.m. at the Emergency Services Facility (the new fire station; 54 Village Acres).

Official PC Bylaw Report for the Proposed Amendments

Proposed Amendments:

Proposed June 2015 EM LUDR (no maps)
Proposed June 2015 EM Conservation Overlay Districts Map
Proposed June 2015 EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map

Current Regulations:

Current EM Land Use & Development Regulations
Current EM Land Use & Development Regulations (with maps; large file)
EM Zoning Map (current; no proposed changes)
Water Resources Map (current; no proposed changes)
EM Conservation Overlay Areas Map (current; proposed to be replaced by new map)
NFIP Flood Hazard Map (current; proposed to include river corridors)

A major element of these proposed amendments is a comprehensive revision of Article 9 Flood Hazard Area Regulations, including the addition of river corridor protection. The PC held a public forum for the Article 9 revisions on September 18, 2014. We set up a webpage for that forum that provides a wealth of information on the need for the updated regulations and flood hazards in general. You can view that webpage here: Flood Hazard Information


November 2, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on November 2, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

November 2, 2015 SB Agenda
November 2, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

2016 Blue Cross Plans
2016 Health Plan Designs with Final Rates
VTrans Murray Road Culvert Grant Agreement
CIC Capital Budget Plan Draft with Winston Property Purchase
CIC Winston Property Recommended Payment Options
2015 Clement Notice of Violation
County Road High Risk Rural Roads Grant Package


November 3, 2015 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on November 3, 2015, 7:00 p.m at the East Montpelier town office building. The board will hear the continuance of hearing for the Deb Glottmann appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s issuance of Permit #15-024 to allow the construction of an accessory dwelling on the Duane Wells property located at 30 Cutler Heights, and conduct final plan review of a 2-lot subdivision of Elaine Manghi’s property located at 185 Markham Road.

November 3, 2015 DRB Warning
November 3, 2015 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

15-024 Glottmann Appeal
15-024 Wells Septic Design
15-033 Manghi Subdivision Plan on Orthophoto
15-033 Manghi Subdivision Plan
15-033 Manghi Tax Map


October 19, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on October 19, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

October 19, 2015 SB Agenda
October 19, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

Clement/Buck Notice of Violation

For the proposed zoning regulation amendments, please see: Town Considering Zoning Regulation Amendments


October 20, 2015 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on October 20, 2015, 7:00 p.m at the East Montpelier town office building. The purpose of the meeting is to continue the Deb Glottmann appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s issuance of Permit #15-024 to allow the construction of an accessory dwelling on the Duane Wells property located at 30 Cutler Heights. In particular, this continuance will allow testimony/evidence on the single issue of whether the proposal meets the size standard contained in East Montpelier Land Use & Development Regulations Section 4.2(A)(2).

October 6, 2015 DRB Warning
October 20, 2015 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

15-024 Glottmann Appeal
15-024 Wells Septic Design


Selectboard Vacancy

The East Montpelier Selectboard is seeking to fill a vacancy on the Selectboard through the remainder of a term expiring on March 1, 2016. Interested candidates must be legally qualified voters of East Montpelier.

Please direct all questions and expressions of interest in the vacancy to Town Administrator Bruce Johnson at:

P.O. Box 157, East Montpelier, VT 05651
(802) 223-3313 x 204
(802) 223-4467 (fax)

The Selectboard will consider the appointment of a qualified applicant at its October 19, 2015 meeting.


October 5, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on October 5, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building. Immediately prior to the meeting the board will hold a site visit at the Sanfacon property (6:00 p.m.; 334 Wheeler Road) to gauge compliance with the August 2015 Environmental Court order. Immediately following the conclusion of the meeting the board will reopen the recessed September 28, 2015 Clement Vicious Dog Hearing.

October 5, 2015 SB Agenda
October 5, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

2015-16 Draft Winter Roads Policy
2016 Draft VLCT Municipal Policy
CVSWMD Grant Award Letter
CVSWMD Grant Agreement
Hutchins Roofing Entryway Roof Proposal
2015 Sanfacon Environmental Court Decision

For the proposed zoning regulation amendments, please see: Town Considering Zoning Regulation Amendments

For more on the Clement Vicious Dog Hearing, please see: September 28, 2015 Selectboard Vicious Dog Hearing


September 28, 2015 Selectboard Vicious Dog Hearing

The Selectboard will conduct a vicious dog hearing on Monday, September 28, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office. On September 22, 2015 Toni May filed a complaint alleging that a dog owned by John Clement & Callie Buck acted as a “potentially vicious dog” while on her property located at 201 Mays Way without permission on Saturday, September 19, 2015. In accordance with the East Montpelier Dog & Wolf-hybrid Control Ordinance and 20 V.S.A. §3546, the Selectboard must hold a public hearing on the matter within seven days of the date on which the complaint was filed.

Clement Vicious Dog Hearing Notice

Documents of interest:

2014 East Montpelier Dog & Wolf-hybrid Control Ordinance
East Montpelier Vicious Dog Hearing Rules of Procedure


October 6, 2015 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on October 6, 2015, 7:00 p.m in the library of the East Montpelier Elementary School (665 Vincent Flats Road). Immediately prior to the meeting the DRB will hold a site visit at the East Montpelier Recreation Field (6:30 p.m.; 555 Vincent Flats Road)

October 6, 2015 DRB Warning
October 6, 2015 DRB Agenda

Documents of Interest:

15-024 Glottmann Appeal
15-024 Wells Septic Design
15-026 Habitat for Humanity Application
15-027 Recreation Board Application
Manghi Survey on Orthophoto
Manghi Survey
Manghi Tax Map
Jacobs Road Rice Subdivision Plat


September 21, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on September 21, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

September 21, 2015 SB Agenda
September 21, 2015 Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

Templeton Road Fire Station MOU Space & Plan Final
EM 2016 MPG Resolution

For the proposed zoning regulation amendments, please see: Town Considering Zoning Regulation Amendments


Composting Education Event and Product Purchase Opportunity

East Montpelier Residential Recycling of Organics Education Event

The Town & East Montpelier Elementary School have teamed up with the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District (CVSWMD) for an exciting composting event being offered in conjunction with the EMES annual open house.

On Wednesday, September 16th, at 5:30 p.m. in the EMES cafeteria, CVSWMD will give a presentation on backyard composting, with plans for DIY composters and demos of composters for sale. They will explain the basics of composting, give some tips on how to best manage a compost pile and display/explain soil savers and green cones. There will also be a brief overview of Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) and how it affects food scrap management. We will leave plenty of time for questions. This will be a great introduction for new composters and may help long time composters learn new tips. Through a Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District grant program, residents of East Montpelier will be able to order discounted composters at this event.

Available products:

Green Cone
$50.00 Special Discount Price; $110.00 CVSWMD Member Price; $130.00 CVSWMD Non-member Price

Soil Saver Composter
$35.00 Special Discount Price; $50.00 CVSWMD Member Price; $75.00 CVSWMD Non-member Price

We will be holding a drawing for a free green cone and soil saver for those attending this educational event.

There are a limited number of discounted products available. Payment (cash or check made out to “Town of East Montpelier”) must accompany order. Discount available to East Montpelier residents only. Limit of one (1) discount per item category per family. If you are a resident of a CVSWMD town, you can always order products at the CVSWMD price directly from CVSWMD. If you have questions, comments, or want to pre-order products, please contact Bruce Johnson, East Montpelier Town Administrator, at or (802) 223-3313×204.


August 31, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a “special” regular meeting (in place of the canceled September 7th meeting) on August 31, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

August 31, 2015 SB Agenda
August 31, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Prior to the meeting the Selectboard will conduct a third site visit of the area around the Sodom Pond Brook crossing on Kelton Road.  The board will be viewing the site with an eye toward evaluating the results of Phase II, extended brush clearing, of its plan to improve visibility and safety for all users of the road.  Road Foreman Mike Garand and Tree Warden Paul Cate will take part in this site visit.  The public is invited to participate, both in the site visit and the later discussion on the issue at the board meeting.  If you do intend to participate in the site visit, please do not expect to park near the corner – it really is not safe.  Either park at the town office (at the bottom of Kelton Road) and walk over or park along the Kelton Road straightaways.

Documents of interest:

For the proposed zoning regulation amendments, please see: Town Considering Zoning Regulation Amendments


August 17, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting August 17, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

August 17, 2015 SB Agenda
August 17, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

State Representative Tony Klein will be here to discuss renewable energy issues, with a focus on the recently enacted H.40 (Act 56) dealing with, among other things, the creation of a utility renewable energy standard, renewable energy credits, and local setbacks & screening requirements for solar installations.

Documents of interest:

VT 2015-16 Act 56 Summary
VT 2015-16 Act 56
15-020 Bender Access Application


August 3, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a meeting on August 3, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

August 3, 2015 SB Agenda
August 3, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Prior to the meeting the Selectboard will conduct another site visit of the area around the Sodom Pond Brook crossing on Kelton Road.  The board will be viewing the site with an eye toward evaluating the results of Phase 1, general brush clearing, of its plan to improve visibility and safety for all users of the road.  Road Foreman Mike Garand and Tree Warden Paul Cate will take part in this site visit.  The public is invited to participate, both in the site visit and the later discussion on the issue at the board meeting.  If you do intend to participate in the site visit, please do not expect to park near the corner – it really is not safe.  Either park at the town office (at the bottom of Kelton Road) and walk over or park along the Kelton Road straightaways.

Documents of interest:

Setting Tax Rate FY2016 Worksheet
2015 Grand List Form 411
FY2016 East Montpelier Final Ed Tax Rates


August 4, 2015 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on August 4, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

August 4, 2015 DRB Warning
August 4, 2015 DRB Agenda

Documents of interest:

15-012 Shanley Application
15-012 Shanley Variance Letter of Justification


July 13, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special meeting on July 13, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building. This will likely be the only Selectboard meeting in July, replacing both the canceled July 6th and 20th meetings. The next meeting of the board will be August 3, 2015.

July 13, 2015 SB Agenda
July 13, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Prior to the meeting the Selectboard will conduct a site visit of the area around the Sodom Pond Brook crossing on Kelton Road.  The board will be viewing the site with an eye toward developing a plan to improve visibility and safety for all users of the road.  This may involve brush or tree trimming/removal, improved signage, or other options.  Road Foreman Mike Garand and Tree Warden Paul Cate will take part in this site visit.  The public is invited to participate, both in the site visit and the later discussion on the issue at the board meeting.  If you do intend to participate in the site visit, please do not expect to park near the corner – it really is not safe.  Either park at the town office (at the bottom of Kelton Road) and walk over or park along the Kelton Road straightaways.

Documents of interest:

CVSWMD Recycling Container Grant Program
Preliminary FY2016 Tax Rate Worksheet (Final Rates will be set August 3, 2015)
2016 CAI Tax Map Services Agreement
FY2016 CAI GIS Maintenance Services Agreement
2015 Treasurer’s Financial Management Questionnaire
Option To Purchase WEC Garage Property
July 2015 VT State Police Report


July 7, 2015 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting July 7, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

July 7, 2015 DRB Warning
July 7, 2015 DRB Agenda

Documents of interest:

15-015 Central VT Humane Society Application


June 22, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special meeting on June 22, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

June 22, 2015 SB Agenda
June 22, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda
Selectboard Special Summer 2015 Schedule

The East Montpelier Planning Commission will be presenting proposed major amendments to the East Montpelier Land Use & Development Regulations. The Selectboard will review these amendments at a later meeting and, prior to any vote on the amendments, hold at least one public hearing.

Proposed June 2015 EM LUDR (no maps)
Proposed June 2015 EM Conservation Overlay Districts Map
Proposed June 2015 EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map
PC Bylaw Report for May 7, 2015 Hearing

Other documents of interest:

2015 Environmental Court Judgment Order in Packard Lot Merger Case
2015 Environmental Court Decision on Motion in Packard Lot Merger Case
2015 Warrant to Impound
FY2016 Central VT Humane Society Agreement
2015 Excavator Rental


Listers Notice to Taxpayers

On June 4, 2015 the East Montpelier Board of Listers lodged the 2015 Grand List with the Town Clerk.

2015 Listers Notice to Taxpayers

The Grand List contains the listing of all taxable properties in the town along with the current assessment of each property. The lodging of this list opens a two-week window in which taxpayers can grieve their current property assessment. Taxpayers whose assessment changed during the past year will receive direct notice of the change and right to grieve. All taxpayers, however, have the right to grieve during this period.

32 V.S.A. §4111(g) reads as follows:

A person who feels aggrieved by the action of the listers and desires to be heard by them, shall, on or before the day of the grievance meeting, file with them his objections in writing and may appear at such grievance meeting in person or by his agents or attorneys. Upon the hearing of such grievance the parties thereto may submit such documentary or sworn evidence as shall be pertinent thereto.

The grievance hearing will be held on June 18, 2015 at the East Montpelier Town Office from 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Grievances can be submitted in writing to the listers on or before the date of the grievance hearing. You may call (223-3313) or come into the East Montpelier Town Office between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to noon on Friday to make an appointment to present your grievance in person.

For more information, please see the State of Vermont handbook on the tax appeal process:

2009 Tax Appeal Handbook


June 2, 2015 DRB Meeting

The East Montpelier Development Review Board will hold a meeting on June 2, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

June 2, 2015 DRB Agenda
June 2, 2015 DRB Warning

Documents of interest:

15-007 Wiswall & Colman (Cate Farm) Application


June 1, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on June 1, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

June 1, 2015 SB Agenda
June 1, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

Capital Improvement Committee Future Projects Questionnaire
SunCommon Coburn Community Solar Array CPG Application
Draft SB Letter to PSB on SunCommon CSA CPG Application
2010 Recreation Board Manual
Draft Signpost Article Regarding Recreation Board
2015 Recreation Board as Non-profit Proposal
FY2015 Sullivan Powers External Audit Agreement


May 21, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting

The East Montpelier Planning Commission will hold a regular meeting on May 21, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building. On May 7, 2015 the PC held a public hearing on proposed amendments to the East Montpelier Land Use & Development Regulations. The comments and concerns expressed at that meeting plus any other written/oral comments received by the PC will be discussed at the May 21st meeting. Written comments on the proposed amendments will be accepted until May 14, 2015.

Documents of interest:

PC Bylaw Report for May 7, 2015 Hearing
SunCommon Coburn Community Solar Array CPG Application

Current Regulations:

Current EM Land Use & Development Regulations
Current EM Land Use & Development Regulations (with maps; large file)
EM Zoning Map (current; no proposed changes)
Water Resources Map (current; no proposed changes)
EM Conservation Overlay Areas Map (current; proposed to be replaced by new map)
NFIP Flood Hazard Map (current; proposed to include river corridors)

Proposed Regulations:

Proposed EM Land Use & Development Regulations (no maps)
Proposed EM Land Use & Development Regulations (with maps; large file)
Proposed EM Land Use & Development Regulations with Tracked Changes
Proposed LUDR Article 1 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 2 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 2 Tables 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 3 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 4 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 5 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 6 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 7 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 8 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 9 2015 Tracked (all new article; tracking insignificant)
Proposed EM Conservation Overlay Districts Map
Proposed EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map

A major element of these proposed amendments is a comprehensive revision of Article 9 Flood Hazard Area Regulations, including the addition of river corridor protection. The PC held a public forum for the Article 9 revisions on September 18, 2014. We set up a webpage for that forum that provides a wealth of information on the need for the updated regulations and flood hazards in general. You can view that webpage here: Flood Hazard Information


May 18, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on May 18, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

May 18, 2015 SB Agenda
May 18, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

East Montpelier Village Sidewalk Revised Conceptual Plans with VTrans Comments
Village Bridge Project Town Quit Claim Deed
Village Bridge Project Town Hall Parcel ROW
2015 Central VT Cycling Tour
SunCommon Coburn Community Solar Array CPG Application
Capital Improvement Committee May 6, 2015 Letter to Selectboard
Capital Improvement Committee Future Projects Questionnaire
FY2015 Delinquent Tax Update & Warrant
VLCT’s FY2016 Delta Dental Program


Second 2014/15 Property Tax Payment Due May 15, 2015

Reminder: The second installment of your 2014/2015 East Montpelier property tax bill must be received at the town office by 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 15, 2015. If you have questions, please contact Town Treasurer Don Welch at 223-3313×207 or Town Clerk Terri Conti at 223-3313×201.

At its August 4, 2014 meeting, the East Montpelier Selectboard set the property tax rates for the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 as follows:

  • Resident (homestead) tax rate: 2.3642; up 0.1368 (6.14%) from last year
  • Non-resident tax rate: 2.0964; up 0.0637 (3.13%) from last year

Tax Rate FY2015 Worksheet

Tax bills were sent out late in August. The first installment was due by 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 17, 2014; the second installment will be due by 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 15, 2015. Payments must be received (postmark is not sufficient) by 5:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office Building, 40 Kelton Road, on the due dates.

2014 Grand List (a search box will appear by typing, at the same time, the “Control” & “F” keys)

2014 East Montpelier Grand List
2014 East Montpelier Tax Exempt Properties
2014 East Montpelier State-owned Properties


May 7, 2015 Planning Commission Public Hearing

The East Montpelier Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the East Montpelier Land Use & Development Regulations on May 7, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building. A regular meeting of the PC will be held immediately after the conclusion of the hearing.

May 7, 2015 PC LUDR Amendments Hearing Notice

PC Bylaw Report for May 7, 2015 Hearing

Current Regulations:

Current EM Land Use & Development Regulations
Current EM Land Use & Development Regulations (with maps; large file)
EM Zoning Map (current; no proposed changes)
Water Resources Map (current; no proposed changes)
EM Conservation Overlay Areas Map (current; proposed to be replaced by new map)
NFIP Flood Hazard Map (current; proposed to include river corridors)

Proposed Regulations:

Proposed EM Land Use & Development Regulations (no maps)
Proposed EM Land Use & Development Regulations (with maps; large file)
Proposed EM Land Use & Development Regulations with Tracked Changes
Proposed LUDR Article 1 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 2 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 2 Tables 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 3 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 4 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 5 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 6 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 7 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 8 2015 Tracked
Proposed LUDR Article 9 2015 Tracked (all new article; tracking insignificant)
Proposed EM Conservation Overlay Districts Map
Proposed EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map

A major element of these proposed amendments is a comprehensive revision of Article 9 Flood Hazard Area Regulations, including the addition of river corridor protection. The PC held a public forum for the Article 9 revisions on September 18, 2014. We set up a webpage for that forum that provides a wealth of information on the need for the updated regulations and flood hazards in general. You can view that webpage here: Flood Hazard Information


May 4, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting May 4, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

May 4, 2015 SB Agenda
May 4, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

Sun Common Community Solar Project Member Flyer
Sun Common Community Solar Project Land Host Flyer
Possible Future Planning and Zoning Topics
Green Homes Solutions of VT Material Safety Data Sheet


April 13, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a “special” regular meeting (in place of the meeting originally scheduled for April 20th) on April 13, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

April 13, 2015 SB Agenda
April 13, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

Revised Draft 2015 Town Meeting Minutes
WEC Parking Lot Request


2015 Town Meeting Election Results

2015 Town & School Meeting Election Results

2015 Town Meeting Day U-32 School District Election Results

Draft 2015 Town Meeting Minutes

Draft 2015 School Meeting Minutes

Thank you to all who attended town meeting &/or voted in the Australian Ballot portion of the proceedings. Special thanks to Colin McCaffrey for his sound management, Sue Racanelli and her crew of potluck volunteers, and our microphone masters from Boy Scout Troop 742. Our newly renovated school was the perfect location for the day’s activities — the chairs were even comfortable.


April 2, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting

On April 2, 2015 the East Montpelier Planning Commission will hold a meeting, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

April 2, 2015 PC Agenda

Documents of interest:

PC Draft Bylaw Hearing Report
2015 Proposed LUDR Cover
2015 Proposed LUDR TOC
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 1
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 2
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 2 Tables
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 3
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 4
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 5
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 6
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 7
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 8
2015 Proposed LUDR Article 9
EM Proposed Conservation Overlay Map
EM Regulated Flood Hazard Areas Map

Current PC Rules of Procedure


March 30, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

On March 30, 2015 the East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special regular meeting (replacing the regular April 6, 2015 meeting), 6:30 p.m. at the town office building. The next board meeting will be held on April 13, 2015. This will also be a special regular meeting (replacing the regular April 20, 2015 meeting). We will get back on our normal schedule (1st & 3rd Mondays every month) starting with the May 4, 2015 meeting.

March 30, 2015 SB Agenda
March 30, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

Draft 2015 East Montpelier Local Emergency Operations Plan
Draft 2015 Town Meeting Minutes
Proposed Sand Bid 2015-2016 Invitation
2015 Annual Highway Financial Plan
VT State Police Report for January & February 2015
2015 Class 2 Highway Engineering Study Application
2015 Quaker Rd Culvert Application
2015 Murray Rd Culvert Application
2015 Murray Rd Culvert Alternate Plans


14th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Sponsored by the East Montpelier Recreation Board

When: Saturday, March 28th at 10:00 a.m. sharp

Where: We will meet at the ball field again this year. The Easter Egg hunt will take place on the recreation field as well as in the back of the school . The fields are still quite snowy, please dress your children accordingly.

There will be age appropriate groups for children up through the 6th grade. We hope to see you there.

We are also looking for volunteers to help hide the eggs and set up for the event. If interested, please arrive at the school at 9:00 AM on March 28th.

For more information, please contact Jan Aldrich (days: 229-7077; evenings: 229-0406)


March 19, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting

The East Montpelier Planning Commission will hold a regular meeting on March 19, 2015, 7:00 p.m. at the town office building.

March 19, 2015 PC Agenda

Documents of interest (the first two maps are large files and may be slow to load):

Proposed East Montpelier Flood & Erosion Hazards Map
Draft East Montpelier Conservation Overlay Areas Map
Draft CVRPC Future Land Use Map Centered on East Montpelier
Draft CVRPC Future Land Use Map Planning Area Descriptions
Draft CVRPC Future Land Use Map Designation Criteria
Zoning Revisions Updated List and Timeline


March 16, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on March 16, 2015, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the town office building.

March 16, 2015 SB Agenda
March 16, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

2015 High Risk Rural Roads Program Participation Form
High Risk Rural Roads Brochure
2015 Draft SB Rules of Transaction
Draft 2015 School District Meeting Minutes
Draft 2015 Town Meeting Minutes

The Selectboard will hold special board meetings on March 30, 2015 and April 13, 2015 (6:30 p.m. at the town office) in place of its regularly-scheduled meetings of April 6, 2015 and April 20, 2015. The next regular board meeting will be held May 4, 2015.


Annual Rabies Clinic for Cats & Dogs

East Montpelier’s Annual Rabies Clinic is coming soon:

Thursday, March 12, 2015 at the EM Village Fire Station, 54 Village Acres
6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
$14.00 Rabies shot for each cat or dog

Veterinarian Thomas Stuwe is generously providing this service
All proceeds benefit the East Montpelier Fire Auxiliary

Town Clerk Terri Conti will be on hand to register canines
Registration fees:
• Neutered/Spayed          $ 8.00/dog
• Unneutered/Unspayed  $12.00/dog

Please remember that all dogs must be registered annually by April 1st. Proof of rabies vaccination is required.
Please stop by the town office or call Town Clerk Terri Conti (223-3313 x 201) for more information.


2015 Town Meeting

2015 Town Meeting is right around the corner: Town Forum will be held on Saturday, February 28, 2015 with Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Both will start at 9:30 a.m. in the East Montpelier Elementary School gymnasium. The school district will go first, with the town following, at both the forum and Town Meeting.

Early & absentee voting for Australian Ballot items is ongoing — please contact Town Clerk Terri Conti (223-3313 x 201; for more information.

Information on 2015 Town Meeting can be found here (updates provided when available):

2015 Town Meeting
2015 Town Meeting Signpost Issue

Documents of interest:

2014 Town Report
2015 Town Meeting Warning
2014 East Montpelier School Report
2015/16 U-32 Annual Budget Report
2015 Town Meeting Potluck
2015 EMES Warning
2015 U-32 Warning

Election Documents:

2015 Town Meeting & Election Notice
2015 Town Meeting Checklist
2015 Town Meeting Sample Ballot (Not for use)
2015 Town Meeting Sample U-32 Ballot (Not for use)


March 2, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

On March 2, 2015 the East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting, 6:30 p.m. at the town office.

March 2, 2015 SB Agenda
March 2, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

VT Land Trust Ormsbee Project

Don’t forget: Town Forum, EMES, Saturday, February 28, 2015, 9:30 a.m. and Town Meeting, EMES, Tuesday, March 3, 2015, 9:30 a.m.

For more information, please see:

2015 Town Meeting


Town Meeting Potluck Information

Everyone agrees that the best part of Town Meeting is the Potluck Lunch. Where else can you find a delectable smorgasbord of the best home cooking in East Montpelier!

Join us Tuesday March 3rd at East Montpelier Elementary School. Bring a dish to share — salad, main entree, bread, or dessert – and label your food, Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian. Please let us know if it is gluten-free or contains nuts.

Bring enough food for four times as many people as in your group. When you drop off your potluck dish in the cafeteria in the morning, be sure to collect your lunch ticket. If you can’t bring a dish to share, $5.00 will buy you the best lunch you’ll eat all year!

A reminder — the food is always so fabulous, it’s easy to fill your entire plate to overflow so you can sample everything. We haven’t run out of food yet, but please be mindful of the line behind you when put together your plate! You can always return for seconds!

On a final note, before you leave Town Meeting, please remember to take your serving dish home with you. We will leave “forgotten” dishes in the cafeteria and you can check with the school’s kitchen staff on its status. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for dishes left behind.

If you would like to help, volunteers are needed from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. You can be part of the kitchen crew helping with cooking or when the meal is done, with cleanup! This is a great way to meet your neighbors and catch up with old friends.

For questions about the Potluck or to volunteer, call Sue Racanelli at 225-6032.


February 16, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on February 16, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

February 16, 2015 SB Agenda
February 16, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

FY2016 Preliminary East Montpelier Education Tax Rate Calculations
2015 Town Meeting Worksheet with Projected FY2016 Tax Rates
Draft 2015 Delinquent Tax Collection Policy


New Dog Control Ordinance Adopted

The East Montpelier Selectboard has recently adopted a new ordinance for the control of dogs and wolf-hybrids:

2014 East Montpelier Dog & Wolf-hybrid Control Ordinance

Notice of Dog Control Ordinance Adoption

Town of East Montpelier citizens may petition for a town vote on the question of disapproving this ordinance. The petition must be signed by not less than 5% of the qualified voters of the Town of East Montpelier and submitted to the Town Clerk at the Municipal Building no later than 5:00 p.m. January 28, 2015. Absent such a petition, the ordinance will take effect February 13, 2015.


February 2, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting on February 2, 2015 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the town office building.

February 2, 2015 SB Agenda
February 2, 2015 Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

EM Treasurer Job Description
2015 EM Highway Mileage Certificate


January 26, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special meeting at the Town Office Building on January 26, 2015 starting at 6:30 p.m.

January 26, 2015 SB Agenda

Documents of interest:

2015 Town Meeting Warning Draft


January 19, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting at the Town Office Building on January 19, 2015 starting at 6:30 p.m.

January 19, 2015 SB Agenda
January 19,2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

Draft FY2016 Budget
Draft 2015 Town Meeting Warning
Draft 2014 Selectboard Report
Capital Budget Plan Executive Summary


January 12, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a special meeting, starting at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, January 12, 2015 at the town office.

January 12, 2015 SB Agenda
January 12, 2015 Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

2015 East Montpelier Common Level of Appraisal
Draft Projected FY16 EM Tax Rate For 2015 Town Meeting
Draft Salt & Sand Usage Policy


January 5, 2015 Selectboard Meeting

The East Montpelier Selectboard will hold a regular meeting, starting at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, January 5, 2015 at the town office.

January 5, 2015 SB Agenda
January 5, 2015 SB Annotated Agenda

Documents of interest:

FY2016 Funding Request Study Committee Report
FY2016 Kellogg-Hubbard Library Funding Request Documents