Sodom Pond Culvert Replacement Construction Needed. The RFP is under construction. Bid opening date is Jan 6th, 2025 and Bids are Due by January 27th, 11:00am
Sodom Pond Culvert Replacement Construction– This is a 4720 DR FEMA Project- Need Culvert Construction
1. Bids due to Town Office by Monday, January 27th, 2025 at 11am.
2. Construction to take place July 1-Oct 1, 2025 because of stream alteration and army corp permits
3. Posting Final RFP online January 6th, 2025, so bid opening date is January 6th, 2025.
4. Question Submission due January 17th, 2025, 11am to Town Administrator.
5. Feb 3rd, 2025 Selectboard decides on vendor.
Status Update:
– Engineering Final Design & Plans Completed but need to seal the plans / specs.
– Some permitting completed
– H&H completed
Outstanding Action Items:
1. Easement of abutting landowners requested
2. Engineer to stamp/seal the plans or specifications.
3. Submit stream alteration permit
4. Engineer to submit the wetland permit & need ROW signatures for that to occur.
Documents of Interest:
H&H Study
East Montpelier Sodom Pond Road – Stream Stats